This weekend we went to the Buckley prop. and camped. It was a great time. It was so HOT though, it was hard to stay cool. The kids rode the entire time. They had to such fun. They are used to riding at the dunes, so It was fun for a change to ride on trails and in the dirt.
I have never seen them so dirty.
The girls were so excited, We let them ride doubles for the first time.
Mariah fell in love with Cody's motorcycle. She rode it the whole time. She is a great rider! Clint was so proud!
Which made it easy on Jordan, She didn't have to share their quad.
They were all so cute, they followed each other around like ducks.
Here is my baby, Enjoying camp, he just woke up from a nap.
Cousin Kevin brought his Jeep, Lane was a happy camper. He was so cute, everytime he got in, he crossed his arms.:)
Well, I love my quad, but their is nothing like Jeepin. I found my new love. I was bombin the trails!
It was a great time.