Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Donuts, Donuts and More Donuts!

Last night My Aunt Shirley, Cousin Jenny and I made homemade donuts. Aunt Shirley made the dough yesterday and then we all met at Jenny's house to made the final product. We made sugar, powdered sugar and maple bars. Not the healthiest things, but Boy, were they yummy.

Here is the dough all cut out and ready.

My job was to fry them. And here they are, Amazing! Krispy Kremes Watch out!
We made about 5 cookie sheets! Yummy!


Kristin said...

Those look so yummy, do you deliver?

Tfamily said...

So are you allowed to post the recipe? I have never made homemade doughnuts and those look tastey. Of course the fact I am working on my "food choices" doesn't help either.